Exercises To Try Out: Goblet Squats


This is an exercise made popular by renowned strength coach Dan John. Some trainers will suggest that you should only back squat or you shouldn’t squat at all.

Well that’s just a load of crap! Squatting is a fundamental human movement that we sometimes just need to learn how to do better.

One of the ways to improve your squatting proficiency is to practice without a heavily loaded barbell on your back. That’s why the goblet squat is a great variation to implement.

This variation is great because by holding the kettlebell or dumbbell in the goblet position you turn on the anterior core. This is a big plus for those of us who tend to slip into anterior pelvic tilt.

Not only does it help with anterior core activation, it also helps us groove a good squat pattern by forcing us to sit back into the squat a bit more. You can’t really pitch forward too much while holding a weight in front of you.

Now this isn’t an exercise you’ll load way up, so I usually like to go high rep with it so 2 sets of 15 or so. I’ll usually add these to the middle or end of a leg workout, or start with these when I’m on a lower volume day.

Happy squatting!

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Get Your Learn On 4.18


Here I am again with a baby strapped to my chest….seriously the Ergobaby carrier rocks!  Our baby girl is so comfortable in this thing and it’s great because you now have the luxury of using both your arms instead of just one and carrying her in the other.

Now I’m certain it won’t last and I’ll have to find a new way to entertain her when she’s mobile and I want to write.  However, for now it’s like the best thing since powdered protein in my opinion.  At any rate, I’ve got a pretty solid list of articles today that will most definitely add approximately 68 points to your IQ this week.

Running For Fat Loss- AKA Why I’m Quitting Marathons- James Fell

I don’t do a ton of running anymore, and I’ve done my fair share (2 half marathons), but this article hits it on the head as to why running isn’t the panacea it at times is made out to be for fat loss.  To paraphrase James, getting lean is done in the kitchen not through exercise, anyone can use a nutrition program to lose weight but the more important question is are you losing body fat?

If weight loss or more specifically fat loss (yes there is a difference) is your focus then running a marathon likely isn’t the most effective way to do it.  If you love to run then by all means do it, but I’d advise don’t be upset if it doesn’t yield the fat loss results you desire.

Eating Clean Vs. Orthorexia- TC Luoma

I fel this was a great article on how people can start to develop some pretty poor habits and views on food and eating.  TC always has a way of just cutting through the bullshit and does it beautifully here.  Food for the most part is not good or bad, yes there are certain foods we should eat less of and other foods we ought to eat more of.

However, generally we need to eat mostly whole unprocessed food 80% of the time.  If most of us would do that then most of the diseases and lifestyle issues would likely begin to fade away.

The Fatigue Fallacy: Why You Should NOT Finish Your Workouts Exhausted- Nia Shanks

A great explanation of why you shouldn’t be a walking ball of sweat each time you finish a workout.  You don’t need to puke up your spleen or shit a liver everytime you step into the gym to make progress, in fact most days you should leave feeling refreshed and energized as Nia points out.

Whether you are designing your own workouts or you’re working with a trainer, make sure they can explain why they are prescribing each exercise.  Each exercise in a program should have a purpose and it’s not just to make you tired.

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Dieting Slower For Better Results


The last two weeks have been a bit of a wild ride.  It seems like only yesterday my wife was telling me that contractions had started and then 4 short hours later we were making the midnight sprint to the hospital to meet our new baby girl Isabella.

She was born April 2nd, happy and healthy, mom too, and it’s been a world wind ever since.  We have also had lots of family and friends visiting and we couldn’t feel more blessed.  Even the sleep deprivation is a small price to pay to finally meet our little girl after the long wait.

In fact, she is strapped to my chest in an Ergobaby carrier as I type this, and I can’t help but look down at her every few seconds to check out her cute face.  Ok enough about baby Bella, let’s talk a little nutrition.

The other day a friend of mine on Facebook, Tim Berzins, made a comment that we should be dieting slower.  This is such a great callout that I thought it deserved an entire article.  You see we are all caught up in this right now society, where we expect to be able to have everything at the click of a mouse button, but this is all wrong when it comes to nutrition, fat loss, and fitness in general.

Looking at this a bit more through a nutrition for fat loss lens, we really need to start applying this mindset of dieting slower when we plan to shed body fat and more often than not, we will achieve better results.  Most of the nutrition plans out there are selling “Six Pack Abs in 12 Weeks!” or “6 Weeks To Look Great Naked!”.  While these are admirable goals, the results are not typical (the fine print usually says so), and don’t really help us with long term sustainable results.

They are flash in the pan diets that most average people wanting to look and feel better won’t be able to adhere to, and adherence is really the name of the game when it comes to fat loss.  One of the biggest issues I find with these diets plans is they place a specified time limit on how you plan to change your eating, and therein lies the rub.


You plan to go on this ultra restrictive diet for 12 weeks that promises to yield a better physique, but in the end it leaves you frustrated, exhausted, and defeated when you can’t adhere to it.  That’s where the idea of dieting slower comes into play (I’m not a huge fan of the word diet but just roll with me for now).

Now how exactly do I slow down my dieting and what does it really mean you might ask?  Good question and you’re in luck because I happen to have the answer for you.  The first step in any fat loss plan is to look back and assess whether you have gained body fat/weight, maintained your body fat/weight, or lost body fat/weight over the last month or so.  Then you need to analyze your nutrition habits and get a realistic idea of how many calories you are currently consuming each day (Myfitnesspal.com or any of the other approximately 400 gadjillion calorie counters is great for this).

The gaining/maintaining/losing info tells you whether you are in a calorie surplus, calorie maintenance, or calorie deficit respectively, over that time period. Provided you haven’t changed your eating too much while food logging you then have a starting point with which to make changes.  As an example if you have been maintaining your body fat/weight on 2300 calories daily you may want to start with a deficit of 300 calories by shooting for 2000 calories.  A deficit of 300 calories is much easier to handle than a deficit of 600 or 700 calories.

You can then stick with this deficit for 2 weeks or maybe even 4 and then assess whether or not you are making progress toward your goal.  After 2 weeks you may need to make your deficit 400 calories and shoot for 1900 calories daily if nothing has changed, or you may decide to wait a few more weeks.  Either way patience is critical.  Every few weeks though you may need to make small adjustments based on how things are going, but realize there will be plenty of weeks that it seems nothing is happening, and that is normal.

This line is what we envision fat/weight loss should be.

Untitled 2

This line is a much more realistic illustration of how fat/weight loss actually happens.

Untitled 3

By creating a smaller deficit you may get slower results but you are ultimately less likely to have a wicked rebound once you decide to add more calories back in, and you should be adding calories back in once you reach your goal.  The current train of thought seems to be that you should eat at calorie maintenance for at least as long as you were dieting.  So 10 weeks of a calorie deficit should be followed by at least 10 weeks of calorie maintenance, in order to allow the body to adjust to the increased food intake.

So instead of doing Jimmy Fitness Trainers Ultra Fat Blaster 4,000 diet plan, use a realistic approach, set a smaller deficit, and practice your patience.




Get Your Learn On 3.28


Sooo it’s Friday, and only about a week away before I become a dad.  I must say it is one of the most exciting times in my life.  It’s hard to imagine that in just a few short days we will have another rugrat running around the house.

While I’m sure there will be many sleepless nights, coupled with a bit of stress, it sure will be worth it.  Things around the Fagala household will certainly change, and I can’t wait to teach, learn, and enjoy this time.  Enough about me, I’ve put together a great list of articles this week to expand your mind, so get to reading.

And if you didn’t have a chance to read my post on Tony Gentilcore’s site have a looksie here.  Otherwise enjoy the weekend.

82 Push-Ups You Need To Know About- Nick English

Seriously who doesn’t like the push-up?!  It’s one exercise that is probably grossly underrated and has so many benefits, and obviously so many ways you can perform/tweak it.  Now drop and give me 20!

11 Most Nutrient Dense Foods On The Planet- Kris Gunnars

Apparently I liked posts with number in them this week and this one doesn’t disappoint either.  If there aren’t a few of these foods in your nutrition plan each week you need to consider adding them.

4 Reasons You’re Not Getting Stronger- Dave Dellanave

Yep another post with a number.  Dave hits the nail on the head here and gives even a few more reasons to increase strength.  This post compliments mine from Tony’s site very nicely and between the two you should be able to act on a few of these an increase your lifts in the gym, which will make you more awesome, and ultimately a better human being.

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Exercising Isn’t A License To Eat Freely


It’s funny as I sit here writing, there is some seriously twangy old school Hank Williams on the radio upstairs, and I totally dig it!  It seems the more I listen to this genre of music the more I like it, and I think it’s because those old country song writers just tell it like it is.

Now I’m certain that I just made some people cringe at the mention of Country music, I may have even lost some cool points, and the old stereotypes of lost dogs and ex wives probably come to mind too.  However, one of the main reasons I like those old country guys is because they were brutally honest.

And when it comes to today’s topic, the topic of eating, I’ve got to be brutally honest, we as Americans simply do too damn much of it!  I mean name a holiday that is celebrated without food or drink.  Seriously, we even celebrate Cinco De Mayo, which gives most folks a reason to run to the nearest mexican restaurant for margaritas and the never ending basket of chips and salsa, but has little to do with our own country.

There is certainly nothing wrong with celebrating Mexican heritage or celebrating with food on occasion, but if you’re at a Mexican restaurant or anywhere for that matter, look around and you’ll quickly realize we are a society OBSESSED with food.  The statistics give us a pretty clear indication that this obsession with food has had a nasty effect on our waistline.

One of the biggest misconceptions in the fitness industry to date has been that exercise can be applied as a means to help with our country’s weight problem, but that simply is not true, at least not to the degree that most would have you believe.  If there were a hierarchy of importance for fat loss, exercise does not top that chart, changing your eating does, and that means a nutrition plan that improves the nutrient density of your food, while providing less total calories.

The second misconception is that those who exercise can eat anything because the exercise cancels it out.  This line of thinking is probably one of the most dangerous to those looking for long term fat loss solutions, because it so very easy to overeat and takes much more time and energy to achieve the same calorie deficit through exercise.


When working with clients, it’s like clockwork, once I mention that calories need to be the focus for fat loss they immediately ask how many calories they need to eat to lose body fat.  Of course I could figure someone’s calorie needs with a simple equation or you can find any one of a million websites to help you do this, but I always stress that we really need to start to learn/experiment enough on our own to discover that information.

Because quite frankly, that calorie recommendation equation could in fact be way off.  As an example, last fall I was focused on dropping a bit of body fat, and found that approximately 2000 calories was my deficit, that kept me from being too hungry, and still allowed me to enjoy some treats from time to time.  I didn’t feel deprived (I can’t say how incredibly important this is) and dropped about 20 lbs over the course of a few months, and didn’t change my exercise habits a bit.

However, using the harris benedict equation, a common equation used to determine calorie needs, it stated I could lose 1 lb a week while consuming 2600 calories daily.  If I would have chosen 2600 calories as my target I surely would have been frustrated by the lack of progress after a few weeks, as I’m certain I would not have dropped an ounce of body fat, due to the simple fact that I would have been in calorie maintenance.

I was very careful in my planning and portion control when I started my fat reduction plan and it paid off.  Trying to add in an additional 600 calories worth of exercise daily really wasn’t realistic for me as I’m already in the gym 4 days a week, but reducing my intake by 600 calories just took a little planning.  Now I know not everyone wants to count calories forever and I get that, so that is why it is so important to control your portion sizes, and not give into the mindset that exercising is like a get out of jail free card when it comes to food.

It is no secret that our portions are much larger than they used to be, and eating too large of portions means more calories and less success with your fat loss plan.  A historic look at a McDonalds value meal is pretty telling of portions alone.  Around 1960 the average McDonalds meal was approximately 590 calories, which isn’t bad for one meal.  However, the meals offered today are in upwards of 1,550 calories, almost 300% more than 50 years ago.*

Large portions and ultimately too many calories coupled with the mindset that you can eat whatever you want because you exercise,  is a recipe for lackluster results.  While exercising should be a part of your plan, the people with the most success will have been the ones who were able to control their calorie intake, and use exercise for what I think it should be, an endeavor that is fun and enjoyable, instead of a punishment for having a piece of cake.

So if fat loss is in your future, focus on your eating and educate yourself on your portions and total calories, because this is the first and most effective way to reduce body fat.  There are other factors to be considered of course and I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the value of strength training and protein content when on a fat loss diet, but those will be topics to cover another day.

*And I’m certainly not suggesting one eat McDonalds either for obvious reasons:)

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On Your Mark, Get Set, Go


For those people that enjoy running I’ve got another blog up on the Go! St Louis site.  While I don’t run much anymore, it still is an insanely simple way to get active.  I mean you need literally no equipment aside from a pair of shoes, shorts, and a shirt, and as short as some of these running shorts are made today those might even be considered optional.

I never could get behind the whole short running shorts thing, but maybe that’s my own issue.  Now I know I’ve mentioned this before, but one of the recent trends in the fitness industry is to mock running and those that do long duration cardio like running, cycling, and whatnot.

Much like short running shorts I can’t get behind that idea either.  You see I’d much rather be a champion for activity than a detractor, because I don’t think mocking runners wins any points for those that prefer to lift weights.  It really should all be about education.

I’m all for informing people that running is not the answer to fat loss, and in fact there are more optimal ways to achieve fat loss, but anything that gets people jazzed up about exercising I am behind 100%.  That could be running, weight lifting, hell even olympic curling (I guarantee the brushing works up a good sweat).  Either way I think we shouldn’t consider ourselves a part of the fitness elite, because we feel our preferred mode of exercise is superior.

(Steps off Soapbox)  Now that I’ve said my piece click the link below to check out that link I mentioned.


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3 Benefits of Varying Exercises


I admit it, I am a creature of habit.  I know that in my own programming I don’t change my exercises enough.  There are a lot of people that suffer from perpetual program hopping where they won’t stick with one program or set of exercises for more than a week, I am not one of those people(I’m still a work in progress).

At the other extreme when training clients I include new and different exercises, maybe even sometimes too often.  It’s taken a while, but I’ve realized the error of my ways in programming for both myself and my clients.  There are times like this in life when you get a little perspective, but that new perspective is worthless if you don’t apply it, and so I have.

Last summer I decided to purchase a program from another trusted fitness professional, and I can tell you it was probably one of the best things I’ve done for my workouts in a while!  There were a couple of incredible benefits that I received as a result of doing so.  The first was improving some glaring weaknesses I had in core strength.

I’ve had low back issues for quite sometime and occasionally my back would flip me the bird, and I’d be down and out for a few days.  However, once I started this new program my back within a few weeks started to feel much better, fast forward almost a year now, and I have literally zero low back issues.  The program had me doing exercises I probably never would have programmed for myself, but since they were written in I felt obligated to perform them and feel much better as a result.


One of the other immediate benefits, was not having to worry about writing my own programs for a while.  You see when life gets a bit nuts, and you don’t know which way is up, it’s easy to get caught in the trap of doing the same things for too long and expecting different results, often referred to as the definition of insanity.  This approach however, will not only produce subpar results it could even open you up to a higher risk of injury from the repetitive movements.

Lastly, and the one that surprised me the most was how much the new exercises illuminated my imbalances.  You see we all have imbalances to some degree, whether it’s being stronger on our right side due to being right hand dominant, or our left quad being more muscular since we blew out our right knee in high school football.  Imbalances are found in just about everyone, but if we don’t do something to offset those they can start to snowball and lead to injury just like repetitive movements.

So the take home is be sure you are finding balance when adjusting your programming.  You don’t want to be doing the same exercise program for 10 years, but you also don’t want to be a program hopper trying every new workout under the sun.  I hate giving general recommendations as I feel they usually just confuse people, or worse yet they feel that it’s gospel and they should do nothing else.  That being said I’ll break my own rule  and say generally sticking with a program between 8-12 weeks with appropriately built-in progressions/regressions is a pretty good start, at which time you might want to start think about changing things.

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Wendy’s Frosty Protein Smoothie


My buddy Jared of Accelerate Health and Fitness posted this on facebook a few weeks back and it’s been made many times in the Fagala household since.  I mean really who doesn’t like a Wendy’s Frosty right?  Try it your taste buds will thank you.


3/4 Cup (6 Ounces) Almond Milk, I usually use regular milk which is equally as delicious

~ 15 Ice Cubes

1 Scoop Vanilla Protein Powder

1-2 Tbsp Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

Sweetener of choice (1/4 of a frozen banana or stevia)

The trick I’ve found is starting the blender with everything but the ice in it.  Then add the ice cubes one at a time until the consistency is where you like it.  Enjoy!

Get Your Learn On 3.14


I get pretty excited this time of year because when I know St. Patty’s Day is close, it means Corned Beef and Cabbage day is close.  In fact we had it last night and it was GLORIOUS!  Ok the cabbage part not so much, but I love me some Corned Beef, and I love a good Reuben sandwich in the days following.

We probably should have waited until Monday to cook it, but seriously I’m not sure I could’ve done that knowing that delicious hunk of meat would be waiting in the fridge all weekend.  So whether you plan to celebrate a bit with some corned beef and cabbage or decide to go for a run and enjoy a few green beers afterward (St. Louis has a great St Pattys Day Run sponsored by Anheuser Busch), I have some great reads to start your weekend.  Enjoy!

Top 5 Reasons Your Diet Isn’t Working – Chad Landers

I know I know I’m a broken record when it comes to calories and fat loss, but it’s because it’s that important.  If more people were educated on portion sizes and how much food they actually ate, they would ultimately be more successful in their attempts to lose body fat.

6 Life Lessons From 2013 – Jim Smith

These kinds of posts are always helpful for me to get a little perspective on life.  I know it’s a few months old, but when I read things like this it helps me chill out and enjoy the aweseomeness that is life.  There are so many things in life to be grateful for and learning continuously is one, as is being able to look back and evaluate and learn from your past experiences.

Recovering Your Metabolism: Do You Need to Increase Or Decrease Your Calories? (Part I) – Lucas Serwinksi

Tony consistently puts out great information and this piece is no different.  This actually comes from Lucas Serwinski and he knocks it out of the park on some interesting points about Metabolic Damage.  While this probably isn’t a factor for a lot of people out there it is good to know and does have a lot of good information.  If you have been dieting for a long time it does make sense to start to add calories back in slowly, and ultimately spend as much time at a maintenance level of calories as you did in a deficit.

Recovering Your Metabolism: Do You Need to Increase Or Decrease Your Calories? (Part II) – Lucas Serwinksi

And this is part two of that post.  I couldn’t leave you hanging.  These two posts do a great job of breaking down a complex topic without losing in you a lot of science speak.

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